About the Journal

Jurnal Suaka Insan Mengabdi (JSIM) with e-ISSN 2656-5668, and P-ISSN 2657-0637 is a journal that accommodates the publication of scientific articles on the results of community service in the fields of nursing and health. Scientific articles accepted and published by JSIM are articles resulting from the implementation of community service that have not been published in other publishing media.

Jurnal Suaka Insan Mengabdi (JSIM) is intended for academics, practitioners, students, or the general public who are interested in publishing the results of community service activities as an effort to disseminate science, technology, and art to the community.

Each edition of the JSIM publication has 2 numbers, namely No.1 for the December-May period and No.2 for the June-November period. Published articles are ensured to have passed the peer review stage by involving a professional Journal Editorial Team according to their field expertise. 

Each published article in Jurnal Suaka Insan Mengabdi (JSIM) will have a unique DOI number. JSIM has also been indexed  Each published article in Jurnal Suaka Insan Mengabdi (JSIM) will have a unique DOI number. JSIM has also been indexed by Google Scholar, Database Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia (ISJD), One Search, and Garda Rujukan Digital (GARUDA)

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Suaka Insan Mengabdi (JSIM)
					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Suaka Insan Mengabdi (JSIM)
Published: 2024-08-12


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Journal Suaka Insan Mengabdi  (JSIM) (e-ISSN 2656-5668) (P-ISSN 2657-0637) is a journal that publishes scientific articles resulting from community service in the fields of health and nursing. JSIM publishes articles in 2 periods in 1 year, namely edition 1 (December-May) and edition 2 (June-November).


The scope of JSIM articles includes nursing care, treatment, knowledge about health, pregnancy care, social pharmacy, nutritional health, public health, and health education with a focus on solving problems in watershed areas and communities. Published articles are guaranteed to have passed the peer review stage by involving a professional Journal Editorial Team according to their field.


The management system implemented in the Asylum Insan Serving Journal (JSIM) is an effort to publish quality scientific articles so that they can be used as a basis for the development of science.